Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Desilu playing hide and seek with Lucy

Tonight was pretty good, I still didn't want to get to cuddly with Lucy. I think she understands, because when I squeal really loud and alot she backs away from me. I know I am new and she has never seen me before but I have never seen her before either and she is new to me. EVERYTHING is NEW to me. Maybe tomorrow will be better and maybe Theresa won't have the border up anymore.

At 8:30pm the humans Theresa and her Mom came home from the store. I think they went to the store. Anyways Theresa asked if we were hungry and well I am not sure what she mean't but Lucy did and Oh My Goodness she let out several loud wheeks. So I started to wheek too not loud because I didn't want the others to know I knew how. hehe Lucy was going nutty and wanted to eat, well I remember that this eat thing is when we get feed really good food. I like food. I was right just a few minutes later the older human brought us some food on pretty plastic plates. It was like going to a fancy resturant. Endive, Romaine lettuce, carrots, parsely, cucumber, red and green peppers. It was incredible. All were dripping with water, I am not sure yet how to use the water bottle, although the humans have showed me how. I  just dont know how yet.

Food was good and then about 9:30pm Theresa took down the border so me and this Lucy girl could get to know each other again. It was fun and they cleaned our cage with us in there. That was wild and sort of fun, Lucy chased me all over the place and I ran away squealing. Looked at the water bottles and sniffed them but I didn't want a drink. We did alot of chasing around and I did alot of squealing and crying. I was just scared not hurt. The border went back up at 12am and we needed to sleep. I think tomorrow will be a better day for us. Everyday is better and better. I just need to learn how to drink the water from the bottle. Any advice for me???
Border is down and I can cross over to the other side.

I feel a nose on my bottom, not good I am scared.

I just need to lift my bottom in the air and Lucy backs off.

Time out was called. So we rested.

More tomorrow I am one tired lil piggie and I am amazed I know how to type on lap top but I don't know how to use my water bottle. Crazy!!!! Hehe

Night Desilu

1 comment:

  1. AWWW!! Hello new little friend!! I can't wait till you're big enough for ZOOMIES!!
