Hello everyone out there in piggie land, This is Desilu and yes I am back from my mini awol status. I really was never on vacation but Theresa has been worried about Lucy and so have I. You see she went to the Vet to get a checkup and poor Lucy got some bad news that was not expected. She has a tumor inside of her. :( We are all crushed. Lucy is not getting surgery because it is too risky of a chance to take and we all agree even the Vet agrees, That having Lucy with us for how ever long it may be is more important then losing her during surgery. Maybe that is selfish of us but we love Lucy and we don't want anyone to cut her open. She is doing well and is very happy. She is on pain meds and still acting like my buddy and mommy Lucy. Yes I have adopted Lucy as my new mommy. I think she likes the idea of taking care of me and I like having a mommy around. So you see that is why I need her with me all the time. I am learning from her. If she gets bad we will know and Theresa will call the VET ASAP. So no worries okay.
We will post pigtures up soon. We have alot to show you all. Sorry I was not around but Theresa usually always comes on the blog and lets me type but this past month she has not wanted too. :( I missed typing with my little paws. HEHEHE
Okay readers I have to go now so Theresa can shut down the PC and give Lucy her meds for the night. She is a fantastic mommy to us. Every night she cleans our house and gives Lucy a little bath. She is amazing. She really does care about us and would never harm us or mis treat us in any way. She is tops.
Night Night
Lucy and Desilu
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Sunday, February 5, 2012
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE SUPER BOWL XLVII WINNERS: THE NEW YORK GIANTS AND ELI MANNING. This was my first Super ever to watch and it was cool. Theresa had a fantastic time cheering for her fave guy #10 Eli Manning. I am only 4 months old but I must say this game was electrifying to watch. The half time show was fun too. Theresa loves Madonna and was singing along with her. :D I was on the floor playing with Lucy while all this was happening. I had bursts of energy and ran like crazy around and through the tunnels and hay. I was a piggie gone crazy. Lucy was chasing me and then I would run away really fast away from Lucy. Hehe I like to hide under blankets and Theresa took a picture of me doing this the other night. Want to see how cute I am?
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Peek A Boo I see You Desilu. hehehe |
For some strange reason I love to hide and play under the blankets. Some would say I am strange but I think I am just too cute for words. hehehe I have several nicknames now and I want to share them with you. Chipmunk Cheeks...Dixie Lu...Dizzy Desi...I am sure there will be more as I grow older. That's what I like about this family they are fun and really know how to make me and Lucy happy. We are so loved and well taken care of. I love my new family alot.
Lucy has to go to the Vet tomorrow for a re check up on her eye that was looking funny. She had to have eye drops put in 2 times a day and I don't think I would like that at all. So I am keeping my eyes away from stuff that will hurt them. Theresa thinks that maybe Lucy got poked in the eye with a piece of hay. She always tells me and Lucy to be careful and watch for picky pieces of hay. She is very careful on what types of hay she buys for us. We get only the best from Oxbow which is located in Nebraska. I might get to go with Theresa, the older human which I call Grandma and Lucy tomorrow. They want me to get used to going and I have never been before so I might want to go and see what this is all about. Then again I might just want to stay home and enjoy the house to myself. Hehehe
Wow look at the time here it is almost 2:30am and I think I better go now and sleep. I will have Theresa put more pictures up tomorrow. She took alot of cute ones tonight of me and Lucy. Sorry we haven't been on to write this blog thingy but Theresa had a cold and then she was finishing up some quilts that she makes and some other things for a Pet Fair that she wants to get into this Summer. Did I mention that she makes these really wonderful sleeping bags and cuddle cups and best of all these amazing tunnel covers. Look at the sample pictures below to see what awesome stuff me and Lucy have in our house. If you want to buy some of Theresa's handmade stuff just ask her here. I think you can leave a message and she will see it.
Okay that is all for now but I will be back tomorrow or Tuesday night, Sweet dreams everyone and thank you for reading my blog.
Lucy has to go to the Vet tomorrow for a re check up on her eye that was looking funny. She had to have eye drops put in 2 times a day and I don't think I would like that at all. So I am keeping my eyes away from stuff that will hurt them. Theresa thinks that maybe Lucy got poked in the eye with a piece of hay. She always tells me and Lucy to be careful and watch for picky pieces of hay. She is very careful on what types of hay she buys for us. We get only the best from Oxbow which is located in Nebraska. I might get to go with Theresa, the older human which I call Grandma and Lucy tomorrow. They want me to get used to going and I have never been before so I might want to go and see what this is all about. Then again I might just want to stay home and enjoy the house to myself. Hehehe
Wow look at the time here it is almost 2:30am and I think I better go now and sleep. I will have Theresa put more pictures up tomorrow. She took alot of cute ones tonight of me and Lucy. Sorry we haven't been on to write this blog thingy but Theresa had a cold and then she was finishing up some quilts that she makes and some other things for a Pet Fair that she wants to get into this Summer. Did I mention that she makes these really wonderful sleeping bags and cuddle cups and best of all these amazing tunnel covers. Look at the sample pictures below to see what awesome stuff me and Lucy have in our house. If you want to buy some of Theresa's handmade stuff just ask her here. I think you can leave a message and she will see it.
Sleeping bag for sale |
Sleeping bag for sale |
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Tunnel cover for sale |
Okay that is all for now but I will be back tomorrow or Tuesday night, Sweet dreams everyone and thank you for reading my blog.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
4 Months Old
I tried to give Lucy a kiss on her side but she moved on me. |
Hi everyone this is Desilu and guess what? I am 4 months old now. On the 17th of January I went from 3 months to 4 months. Hehe I don't feel any different. We didn't have a big party because Lucy wasn't feeling well. I think she is missing her best friend Sugar alot. Theresa and the older human who I am now calling Grandma took Lucy to see the Vet on Monday. I had the whole house to myself and wasn't scared at all. Okay I lie, I hide all the time they were gone. Hehe When they got home Theresa said Lucy got some medicine to make her better. It all started on Sunday night around dinner time, Theresa got our dinner ready and called us to come get ready to eat, I ran and wheeked like crazy, but Lucy wasn't interested and she hid in her pigaloo. I didn't want to eat alone but Lucy wouldn't eat with me. Theresa tried to give her something and she just wouldn't take it. Theresa started to cry and say "Please don't be sick Lucy, I need you. "I can't lose you too." So Theresa took Lucy out of the cage and cuddled her all the time I ate dinner and more time after that. Lucy would not drink or eat anything. I was scared. I tried to see what was wrong but Lucy didn't want to talk.
A few hours went by and Lucy was still not acting like herself. Theresa was so scared and she stayed up till 6am to cuddle Lucy and try to get her to eat or drink. Lucy couldn't go pottie either. :( Theresa gave Lucy some water through a small syringe and Lucy drank some but not alot. Then Theresa put Lucy back in with me and we went to sleep. They went to the Vet at 10am and the Vet said Lucy might have another stone forming inside of her, which made it hurt for Lucy to eat or do anything. Lucy is feeling better now. Chasing me and acting like her bossy self again. I realized that I am in a good home with ppl that love me and would never do anything to hurt me. Lucy was sick on Sunday and Theresa called Vet Monday morning. This girl is fast and doesn't hesitate when her piggies are sick. She has a caring heart and she is very sincere. I love her alot and maybe I will relax and let her hold me more. Hehe Maybe!!!
Is anyone reading our Blog? Just wondering because I cant tell if anyone is. I see no comments and I have cute pictures of me and Lucy up but no one says anything about me or Lucy. I know Theresa and Grandma are telling everyone about this Blog. Please read and leave a comment so I know you read this. I like to read comments. So does Theresa. :D Don't be shy.
I got my own apartment. Hehe |
Grandma makes these cuddle cups and Theresa makes Sleeping bags and other stuff. They sell what they make on Theresa's website called http://www.abyssiniantreasures.com/ |
Dinner Time |
Well thats all for now I am tired and I need to rest now. More soon and have a great night everyone.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Looking adorable with my toys
Wow, This blogging stuff is hard work for a little piggie like myself. I have been with my new family for 13 days now and they are really nice to me and they spoil me. I love it. Today Theresa called me over to her by my name and I came to her, She was like WOW!!! Desilu you came to me. I was like well duh Theresa, You called me over to you. I really am happy here and I do like Lucy alot. In back of our cage there are pictures on the walls of people and guinea pigs. I heard Theresa say out loud not to worry Desilu, I will get your pictures up on the wall soon. WOW, I am going to be a star and I am only 3 months old. In 3 days I will be 4 months old and I wonder if I will get a party? Probably because from what I can tell this family loves Birthday parties.
I have accomplished so much in my first 13 days here, I know how to use the water bottle and I know what the sleeping bags are for. Sleeping. hehe I know that Lucy will not hurt me, she is just curious of me and wants to know more about me. I know that Theresa loves me and wants to hold me more but I am not ready for that yet. I let her hold me but then I try and think of a way out and she always catches me. I havent escaped yet. hehe I have a nickname and I think it is because I am really fast. They like to call me "LIGHTNING" Lucy has a nickname too they call her "THUNDER" hehe we make a cute pair. I have to figure out how to use these tunnels that are sometimes in the cage and always down on the floor at playtime. I like to go in them but I like to stay in them. Theresa says that Sugar was crazy about the tunnels and used to run through them all the time and never get bored. I think Sugar must of been really smart and knew how to make them fun. I am not sure running around and around is fun yet. But I am young yet and I will learn.
Well I will finish up now and write more tomorrow maybe. I want to show you all a picture of me and Lucy in our hay. Yes we are together and we look happy. This makes Theresa very happy too.
Night Everyone ~Desilu
Desilu with her new toys. |
Desilu is behind the Dinosuar and Lucy is behind Desilu. I sense a theme there. |
Well I will finish up now and write more tomorrow maybe. I want to show you all a picture of me and Lucy in our hay. Yes we are together and we look happy. This makes Theresa very happy too.
I love my new family. |
Night Everyone ~Desilu
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Wild Weekend
This is me and Lucy together when Theresa was cleaning our cage. |
Lucy likes the corner for some reason. Can you see her tiny tattoo? hehe
She is always looking at me. I pretend not to look.
Hi everyone it is me Desilu and I am so sorry I did not post this weekend, but I was having a good time with Lucy and we graduated to a NO BORDER cage. Yes, me and Lucy can visit each other now without looking through the grid divider. We are free piggies. I think Lucy likes this because she chased me all weekend and I got worn out. That is why I not come on. Also Theresa has a cold and she not feel well now. Poor Theresa, she sneezes and I get scared and run and then she will cough and I am more scared and I run. Then Lucy thinks it is good idea to chase me. This is crazy place but I love it here and I am not lonely.
On January 17th I will be 4 months old. I wonder if my new family will throw me a party? I know that Theresa is making a scrap book for me, she has made one for every piggie she has had. 1 for Cloud, 1 for Sugar and 1 for Lucy and now I get one. She has taken many pictures of me, I feel so famous now. I hope all this fame and stardom doesnt go to my lil head? hehe
I will be back later, I have to rest now.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Triumph Thursday
"Lots of young players have triumphed at United, so why can't it happen to me? I'm not worried I'm young- It's an incentive to do the best I can." ~Cristiano Ronaldo
"Desilu would like to say this quote in her own way. Lots of young guinea pigs have triumphed at using the water bottles, so why can't it happen to me? I'm not worried. I'm young- It's an incentive to do the best I can." ~Desilu Wirth
I drank from the water bottle today and I did it so cute. Theresa took down the border for about 5 1/2 hours today and me and Lucy had fun. Lucy chased me all over the huge cage, seemed like miles and miles that I ran, I did alot of squealing. We also ate together on the same plate. We made a huge improvements today. I can't wait until tomorrow to see we do once Theresa takes the border down again. The biggest news is that I (DESILU) drank from my water bottle.
"Desilu would like to say this quote in her own way. Lots of young guinea pigs have triumphed at using the water bottles, so why can't it happen to me? I'm not worried. I'm young- It's an incentive to do the best I can." ~Desilu Wirth
Desilu's Success |
Learning is hard, but Desilu never gave up. Water bottle 101
I drank from the water bottle today and I did it so cute. Theresa took down the border for about 5 1/2 hours today and me and Lucy had fun. Lucy chased me all over the huge cage, seemed like miles and miles that I ran, I did alot of squealing. We also ate together on the same plate. We made a huge improvements today. I can't wait until tomorrow to see we do once Theresa takes the border down again. The biggest news is that I (DESILU) drank from my water bottle.
I am still very shy and scared of Lucy but I am getting better, I have it all worked out where if I think that Lucy is too close to me or my bottom, I lift up my bottom and pee on her. hehe I know not very lady like, but hey I have to stand up for myself. If I must pee on her then I will. It is not that I don't like Lucy. I am just afraid and I have to adjust to this new home and new cage mate. I can sense that Lucy wants to cuddle with me but I am not ready yet.
Theresa and Grandma did alot of Awwwww and look at that aren't they cute together. We had no border up and we got to eat together for first time since I came to live with my new family. Look at all the good stuff we get to eat. This happens twice a day. I was funny tonight, Theresa asked Lucy if she was hungry and Lucy made a loud wheek back as to say yes I am. Well then she asked me and I was quiet and when plate came with food, Lucy ran up to it and left me behind, So I WHEEKED LOUDLY and everyone stopped and Theresa looked at me and said well come on DESILU, lets eat. So I ran to the plate. Hehe I got their attention.
I am one tired lil piggie so I will say night for now. Tomorrow I come back and tell you about my day. Don't worry my blog will not be boring I promise. I only been with Theresa, Grandma and Lucy for 5 days now. So I not have alot of news yet. But I will and maybe I ask Lucy if she come on and blog too. She is funny piggie.
Night to all piggies and humans
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Desilu playing hide and seek with Lucy
Tonight was pretty good, I still didn't want to get to cuddly with Lucy. I think she understands, because when I squeal really loud and alot she backs away from me. I know I am new and she has never seen me before but I have never seen her before either and she is new to me. EVERYTHING is NEW to me. Maybe tomorrow will be better and maybe Theresa won't have the border up anymore.
At 8:30pm the humans Theresa and her Mom came home from the store. I think they went to the store. Anyways Theresa asked if we were hungry and well I am not sure what she mean't but Lucy did and Oh My Goodness she let out several loud wheeks. So I started to wheek too not loud because I didn't want the others to know I knew how. hehe Lucy was going nutty and wanted to eat, well I remember that this eat thing is when we get feed really good food. I like food. I was right just a few minutes later the older human brought us some food on pretty plastic plates. It was like going to a fancy resturant. Endive, Romaine lettuce, carrots, parsely, cucumber, red and green peppers. It was incredible. All were dripping with water, I am not sure yet how to use the water bottle, although the humans have showed me how. I just dont know how yet.
Food was good and then about 9:30pm Theresa took down the border so me and this Lucy girl could get to know each other again. It was fun and they cleaned our cage with us in there. That was wild and sort of fun, Lucy chased me all over the place and I ran away squealing. Looked at the water bottles and sniffed them but I didn't want a drink. We did alot of chasing around and I did alot of squealing and crying. I was just scared not hurt. The border went back up at 12am and we needed to sleep. I think tomorrow will be a better day for us. Everyday is better and better. I just need to learn how to drink the water from the bottle. Any advice for me???
Border is down and I can cross over to the other side.
I feel a nose on my bottom, not good I am scared.
I just need to lift my bottom in the air and Lucy backs off.
Time out was called. So we rested.
More tomorrow I am one tired lil piggie and I am amazed I know how to type on lap top but I don't know how to use my water bottle. Crazy!!!! Hehe
Night Desilu
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